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Improve your vocabulary, listening or reading skills with the quizzes below.
Quiz 1: Vocabulary Focus
comparison • portrayed • reaping
bottom line • revenue
  1. The is that you can't come to work late every day expect that it is okay.
  2. He worked hard all though university and now he is the benefits with an incredible job.
  3. We have increased our in the past year by almost 200 percent.
  4. Angelina Jolie is as a very active humanitarian.
  5. By with his old one, this new car is really nice.
Quiz 2: Comprehension Q's
Answer the following questions about the interview.
VideoVideo Response
Mixer Topic

MX01 Athletes and Pay

Today footballers and basketball players make millions of dollars. Is it too much?

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by comparison with

Athletes do make too much money just by comparison with other professions, for example teachers.

Above the speaker is comparing the amount of money that professional athletes make compared to teachers. You can use this phrase to specifically compare two things. It is also common to use the phrase 'in comparison with.' Notice the following:

  1. Tiger woods is poor by comparison with Bill Gates.
  2. The moon is very near by comparison with Mars.


They're portraying their image publicly.

To 'portray' something means to present it. In this case it is referring to how athletes present themselves to the public.Sometimes how someone is portrayed and what they are in real life are two very different things. Here Rina thinks that athletes should be paid for having a public image.  Notice the following:

  1. Rappers like to portray themselves as bad, but that's not always true.
  2. The public image he portrays is far different from reality.

reap the benefits

They reap the benefits.

To 'reap the benefits' means to enjoy the results of one's hard work. Notice the following:

  1. Save money now and reap the benefits later.
  2. He reaped the benefits of his hard work with a vacation abroad.

the bottom line

The bottom line is that so many people watch their games.

There can be many opinions about the same thing. 'The bottom line' is the conclusion or most important thing that you should remember.  Notice the following:

  1. There are many things you can do to improve your health, but the bottom line is, eat less and exercise more!
  2. When learning English, grammar is important, but the bottom line is to understand and be understood.


They bring in a lot of revenue.

'Revenue' is money that you earn from working or investments.  Athletes are very important to how much revenue a sports team will earn.  Notice the following:

  1. Beckham is expensive, but he earns a lot of revenue for the team.
  2. Because of a losing season, team revenue is down for the year.