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Improve your vocabulary, listening or reading skills with the quizzes below.
Quiz 1: Vocabulary Focus
comfy • magic • fast-forward
no question • outing
  1. People feel a special in a place like Italy.
  2. There is that this class will be a lot of work, but I think I will enjoy it.
  3. through the beginning of this song. I want you to help me understand the part in the middle.
  4. Our class is going on an to a French restaurant tomorrow.
  5. I'm going to change into some pants to watch the movie.
Quiz 2: Comprehension Q's
Answer the following questions about the interview.
VideoVideo Response
Mixer Topic

Mixer #04 Cinema vs. DVD

Six people discuss whether they prefer watching a movie at the cinema or on DVD.

  • Transcript
  • Audio Slide Show
  • Vocabulary

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It's nice to sit in those comfy chairs.

'Comfy' is short for comfortable. Usually chairs and beds are described as comfy.  Notice the following:

  1. Do you have a comfy chair in your house?
  2. The seats in the new theater are really comfy.

special magic

There's a special magic at the cinemas.

Here, a 'special magic' means that there is a special feeling watching a movie at the cinema.  For most people, it's different than watching a DVD at home.  Notice the following:

  1.  For kids, there is a special magic to Disneyland.
  2. There's a special magic to driving a super old car.


I can fast forward a DVD.

To 'fast forward' a DVD is to make the DVD move forward faster than normal. The opposite of this is to rewind a movie. You can also fast-forward music on a CD or computer. Notice the following:

  1. This part is really boring, press fast forward.
  2. I always fast-forward through the previews at the beginning of the movie.

no question

No question, it's better to watch at the movie theater.

'No question' means that we are 100% sure about something. If you are very certain that it will rain tomorrow, you might say, "No question, we will need to bring umbrellas."  Notice the following:

  1. No question he'll be the next prime minister.
  2. elllo is the best ESL site on the internet.  No question about it.

an outing

It's an outing.

'An outing' is a special event most often held outdoors. For an outing we go somewhere interesting like the beach, camping, or on a picnic.  Notice the following:

  1. I'm going on an outing this week with my co-workers.
  2. Sarah's on a beach outing with her friends.