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Quiz 1: Vocabulary Focus
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Quiz 2: Comprehension Q's
Answer the following questions about the interview.
Quiz 3: Questions for You!
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tutorStudy Tip #2 : Shadowing
Watch the video for tips on how to use best elllo and improve your English quickly. (see more)

Superbowl Party

MX53 Shopping

Find out what these people like to shop for and what they don't like to shop for.

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FLash Goes Here

the one exception

The one exception would be shopping.

An exception is something that is in some way, different than other similar things.  Notice the following:

  1. I hate sports, the one exception being ping-pong.  That's fun!
  2. School's boring.  The one exception would be English class.

DIY things

Shopping for DIY things.

DIY means 'Do-it-yourself'.  We use DIY items to fix or take care of things in and around our home.  Notice the following:

  1. You can find gardening tools in the DYI department.
  2. I'm not a DIY person.  I can't fix anything.


I enjoy wacky food

We use the word 'wacky to talk about people or things that are unusual in a funny way.  Notice the following:

  1. Jim Carrey is a wacky guy.
  2. It's a wacky TV comedy show.

girls stuff

I do not enjoy shopping for girls stuff.

Girls stuff would mean cosmetics, perfume, fashion accessories, stuff like that.  Notice the following:

  1. The girls stuff is on the third floor.
  2. Girls stuff is so expensive!


I have that hunter-gatherer instinct.

'Hunter-gatherer' is a phrase we use to talk about at time when people hunted animals and looked for plants to eat for survival.  Notice the following:

  1. Primative people were hunter-gatherers.
  2. My shopaholic girlfriend's a modern hunter-gatherer!