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Quiz 1: Vocabulary Focus
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Quiz 2: Comprehension Q's
Answer the following questions about the interview.
Quiz 3: Questions for You!
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tutorStudy Tip #2 : Shadowing
Watch the video for tips on how to use best elllo and improve your English quickly. (see more)

Superbowl Party

MX59 Clothes

What are you wearing? Six people describe what they are wearing.

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FLash Goes Here

power tie

I'm wearing a navy blue power tie.

A power tie or suit are clothes we wear for serious business.  They help us look more professional.  Notice the following:

  1. He wore a red power tie to the meeting.
  2. Power suits are always dark colors.

striking ensemble.

Skip today has a striking ensemble.

A fashion ensemble is a set of clothes and accessorries that are worn together.  The word is a bit formal.  Notice the following:

  1. Her Versace ensemble was far too trendy for work.
  2. That's a lovely ensemble.

walking around clothes.

I pack walking around clothes.

Walking around clothes are casual clothes we wear on weekends when away from work or school.  Notice the following:

  1. I only pack walking around clothes when I travel.
  2. I buy walking around clothes at second hand shops.


My style is minimalist.

Minimalist clothing uses very simple colors or patterns.  The best example would be a black shirt, black pants and black shoes.  Notice the following:

  1. The band was dressed in minimalist clothes.
  2. She's a fashion minimalist.

makes an impact.

I think it makes an impact.

Something that makes an impact has a big effect on people or things.  Notice the following:

  1. Dressing professionally makes an impact during interviews.
  2. His speech on the environment made an impact on me.