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Quiz 1: Vocabulary Focus
Word 1 •Word 1 • Word 1
Word 1 • Word 1
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  2. .
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  4. .
  5. .
Quiz 2: Comprehension Q's
Answer the following questions about the interview.
Quiz 3: Questions for You!
Listen to the questions to practice fluency (quick response), listening and grammar (dictation), pronunciation (drilling) or vocabulary (recycling).

tutorStudy Tip #2 : Shadowing
Watch the video for tips on how to use best elllo and improve your English quickly. (see more)

Superbowl Party

MX74 Favorite Music

Listen to six people talk about their preferences in music.

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FLash Goes Here


I listen to every genre of music.

Here, the word genre is similar in meaning to 'kind'.  We use it to talk abot art, music, writing and movies.  Notice the following:

  1. I enjoy every movie genre.
  2. I enjoy every kind of movie.


I want to listen to something mellow.

In music, the term mellow means soft and relaxing.  Notice the following:

  1. I listen to mellow music in the morning.
  2. Do you enjoy mellow music?

brings out

It brings out many great emotions.

Someone or something that causes us to feel a certain way brings out emotions.  The phrase can be positive or negative.  Notice the following:

  1. Politics brings out the worst in people.
  2. I try and bring out the best in my students.

a straight answer

I really never have a straight answer.

Here, the word straight means the same as 'clear', but it can also mean truthful.  Notice the following:

  1. He never gave the police a straight answer.
  2. Just give me a straight answer!


My tastes are so diverse.

Personal tastes are the kinds of things we like or prefer.  When our tastes are diverse, that means we like many kinds of things.  Notice the following:

  1. She has great taste in clothes.
  2. My dad says I have poor taste in music.