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Quiz 1: Vocabulary Focus
Word 1 •Word 1 • Word 1
Word 1 • Word 1
  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .
  5. .
Quiz 2: Comprehension Q's
Answer the following questions about the interview.
Quiz 3: Questions for You!
Listen to the questions to practice fluency (quick response), listening and grammar (dictation), pronunciation (drilling) or vocabulary (recycling).

tutorStudy Tip #2 : Shadowing
Watch the video for tips on how to use best elllo and improve your English quickly. (see more)

Superbowl Party

MX78 Vehicle Accidents

Various people discuss their experiences with accidents.

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FLash Goes Here

than I thought

It was going faster than I thought.

When something is different than we expect, we say it was different 'than I thought'.  Notice the following:

  1. Our trip to South America was different than we thought.
  2. Studying abroad was different than I thought.

slammed into

It slammed right into my car.

When we slam into something, that means we hit it with a lot of power or speed.  Notice the following:

  1. The race car slammed into the wall.
  2. The hijacked plane slammed into the building.

my fault

It was completely my fault,

When we are responsible for something bad that has happened, we say it is 'my fault'.  Notice the following:

  1. It's my fault we missed the train.
  2. Sorry, it's my fault.

shaken up

I was really shaken up.

Someone who is shaken up is shocked, scared or slightly injured by something that has happened to them.  Notice the following:

  1. He was a bit shaken up, but OK.
  2. It's natural to be shaken up after an accident.

pulled in front of

Somebody pulled in front of me.

When a car unexpectedly moves in front of us, we say it 'pulled in front of me'.  Notice the following:

  1. He pulled in front of me without signaling.
  2. A car suddenly pulled in front of me.