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Quiz 2: Comprehension Q's
Answer the following questions about the interview.
Quiz 3: Questions for You!
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tutorStudy Tip #2 : Shadowing
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Superbowl Party

MX91 Best Time to Marry

Various people debate marrying early or late in life.

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They are not obliged to marry early.

When we are obliged to do something, that means we must do it. In this case, for cultural reasons.  Notice the following:

  1. He was obliged to pay for the dinner.
  2. Poor language skills obliged him to drop the class.

comes into the question

I don't think that comes into the question.

Something that comes into question must be considered.  Here the opposite is true.  Something that doesn't come into question is not necessary to consider.  Notice the following:

  1. I don't think age comes into the question.
  2. Money almost always comes into the question.

a later stage in life

They married at a later stage in life.

Life has many stages: infancy, childhood, teenage years, etc.  Speaking of marriage, a later stage in life would start around 30 years old.  Notice the following:

  1. He attended university at a later stage in life.
  2. I think It's better to marry at a later stage in life.

not consider

I don't consider marrying early.

When we don't consider something, that means we don't think about it.  Notice the following:

  1. I don't consider changing my job?
  2. Some students don't consider the risks of drinking.

not necessarily

It's not necessarily a bad thing.

The phrase 'not necessarily' is similar in meaning to 'may not be'.  Notice the following:

  1. That's not necessarily the reason he quit.
  2. That may not be the reason he quit.