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Quiz 1: Vocabulary Focus
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Superbowl Party

MX93 Rent

Various people consider renting or owning a home.

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settling down

I can't imagine settling down.

In most cases, settling down means getting married, buying a house and starting a family.  Notice the following:

  1. It's time to think about settling down.
  2. Have you thought about settling down?

pay up front

You have to pay up front.

When we pay up front, that means we pay first.  Notice the following:

  1. I prefer to pay up front.
  2. Do we need to pay up front?

goes nowhere

Paying money for rent goes nowhere.

Something that goes nowhere does not benefit us in the future.  Notice the following:

  1. Arguing with the boss goes nowhere.
  2. Keeping your money in a bank goes nowhere.

throwing money away

You're just throwing money away.

Throwing money away means to waste it.  Notice the following:

  1. Throwing money away on rent is a bad investment.
  2. Stop throwing money away and buy a house or condo.

 tied to one place

I wouldn't want to be tied to one place.

When we are tied to one place, that means we can't move.  Notice the following:

  1. I can't be tied to one place.
  2. My parents have been tied to one place for 30 years.