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Quiz 1: Vocabulary Focus
  1. it's going to rain tomorrow.
  2. Our class have a big problem with grammar.
  3. Mexican and Thai food are very spicy.
  4. I'm by Chinese history.
  5. It only takes study everyday to improve you English.
Quiz 2: Comprehension Q's
Answer the following questions about the interview.
Quiz 3: Questions for You!
Play the audio and answer the following questions. Click the blue box to view the questions and possible answers.

Audio Notes Mixer #115 What country do you want to visit?

a bit of

I like a bit of Indian Culture

The phrase a bit of means a small amount or a little of something. Notice the samples.

  1. I enjoy a bit of red wine with my pasta.
  2. Su Hee spent a bit of time abroad so her English is better than mine.

for instance

I'm really interested in for instance

The phrase 'for instance' has almost the same meaning as 'for example'. Notice the similarity.

  1. I love to watch team sports, for instance football and basketball.
  2. Ren wants to study abroad, for example The U.S. or Canada.

fascinated by

I am fascinated by the ancient history

We are fascinated by someone or something that we think is very, very interesting.

  1. Here are 2 examples. My sister is an art student. She's fascinated by French impressionist painting.
  2. Visitors to the Grand Canyon are always fascinated by its size.

I hear

I hear the scuba diving there is really good

We use the phrase 'I hear' to talk about information we have learned from other people or other sources such as TV, magazines, the internet, etc. The information can be serious or sometimes just gossip. See the samples below.

  1. I hear you passed the English test last Friday. Great work!
  2. I'd love to visit Bali. I hear the beaches are beautiful.

seems to + (verb)

it seems to have a good mixture of beaches and mountains

When we think something is true but we are not sure, we use the phrase 'seems to' Here are two examples.

  1. Ellen seems to be happy with her new job.
  2. Our new teacher seems to be a little serious. He never smiles.