Aiste: Hello, Christophe. What are you doing this afternoon?
Christophe: Hi, Aiste. I think I'm going to run this afternoon.
Aiste: To run? But it's raining outside.
Christophe: I don't care. I love running in the rain, and I have to run because I am training for a marathon.
Aiste: A marathon! Isn't that like some 100 kilometers of running?
Christophe: Oh, no. A marathon is a race where you run 42 kilometers. It's a long distance, so you need to train every day for it.
Aiste: So do you actually run 42 kilometers every day when training for it?
Christophe: Oh, no. Actually, a good preparation for a marathon is about 12 weeks of running, and you never run for 42 kilometers in one training. You never do this because it's actually very, very bad for your body if you would do that, so you run a maximum, like 32 to 34 kilometers.
Aiste: Every day?
Christophe: Not every day of course. I think, right now, I run about 80 kilometers a week, but that's almost every day, 10, 15 kilometers that you have to run.
Aiste: And how many marathons have you done already?
Christophe: I've already ran about four marathons, and now I'm preparing for my fifth marathon.
Aiste: What is that going to be like?
Christophe: Well, actually, I hope to run less than three hours. It's quite fast. It's like fourteen kilometers average during forty-two kilometers.
Aiste: Whoa! That sounds difficult. I'm not really into sports very much, so I think for me, even a five-minutes run seems kind of difficult and requiring lots of endurance.
Christophe: Well, in the beginning, it's hard maybe, but once you try running a little bit longer, you really start liking it, so I would recommend you to do one training with me and you start slow and then you build up slowly until you can run five, maybe ten kilometers, and then you will see, you will get addicted and you will love it too. I think in a couple of years, you will run your first marathon.
Aiste: Oh, that sounds great, but ... I really don't think it's for me.

You run a maximum of 32 kilometers.
The maximum of something is the highest value. The minimum is the lowest value. Notice the following:
- The maximum about you can work in one day is 24 hours.
- The maximum storage capacity on my PC is 250 GB.

Whoa! that sounds difficult.
The phrase "whoa!" is used to show surprise, or to show you want something to stop. Notice the following:
- Whoa! You bought a house!
- Whoa! Slow down!

I am addicted to running.
When you are addicted to something, that means you always need to do it or you feel uncomfortable or unhappy. Notice the following:
- I am addicted to video games.
- He is addicted to coffee.
build up

You start slow but build up slowly.
When something builds up, it increases in some manner. Notice the following:
- The fire started slow but built up into an inferno quickly.
- After being in the hospital, it took awhile to build up my strength.

I requires a lot of endurance.
Endurance is the ability to do a difficult process for a long time. Notice the following:
- I am not fast but I have great endurance. I can run for hours.
- To do well in college, you need mental endurance, the ability to focus for a long time.
Vocabulary Quiz
build up • endurance