English Language Listening Library Online
Mixer #57 | Intermediate B1

Morning Routine

Six people share what they do in the morning.

Adrienne, The United States
speakerWhat is the first thing I do in the morning? Well, I guess the first thing I do is I go to the bathroom, but I think everybody does that. After that, I usually take a shower and brush my teeth and get myself organized and so the last thing that I do before I leave the house in the morning is usually eat my breakfast.

Barbara, Australia
speakerThe first thing I do in the morning is open my eyes, get out of bed, switch on the computer and check my e-mail. I have a couple of different e-mail accounts: gmail, yahoo and hotmail and I have to check each of them just to see what message might have come to me since the last time I checked.

Conrad, The United States
speakerThe first thing I do in the morning is go to the bathroom. Usually, I always drink a lot the night before, drink water, and I don't like to wake up during the middle of the night so as soon as I wake up I go to the restroom and then I'll probably drink another glass of water.

Phil, England
speakerWhat's the first thing I do in the morning? I go to work very early in the morning so usually when I wake up I'm feeling very, very tired and very angry because I'm awake so normally the first thing I do in the morning is drink a lot of ice coffee and then I will go and clean my teeth and have a wash or a shower.

Skip, The United States
speakerThe first thing I do in the morning is turn off the alarm clock before I smash it because if it goes off I'm going to go completely crazy so I try and usually set my alarm for seven a.m. and I try and wake up at six fifty-six, or six fifty seven and shut the stupid thing off so it doesn't pierce my ears, then I have my own like Skip's snooze alarm and I go back to sleep for five or ten minutes and then I slowly roll out of bed and then usually after that I take a shower.

speakerSimone, Sweden
What's the first thing I do in the morning? I put the alarm clock on snooze and sleep some more. That's what I do.

Learn Vocabulary from the Lesson!

get myself organized


I brush my teeth and get myself organized

When we get organized in the morning, that means we decide what clothes we will wear and what we need to take to work or school.  Notice the following:

  1. I get myself organized for the next day, before I go to bed.
  2. It takes me forever to get myself organized in the morning.

switch on


I switch on the computer.

Switch on means to turn something on, for example a light or electronics, using a switch.  Notice the following:

  1. Remember to switch off the lights when you leave.
  2. Can you switch on the air please?

clean my teeth


I will go and clean my teeth and have a shower.

Here is a good example of some common differences between British and American phrases that describe the same actions.  Notice the following:

  1. My British friends clean their teeth and have a shower.
  2. My American friends brush their teeth and take a shower.



I have my own snooze alarm.

Snooze means to sleep for a short time.  Notice the following:

  1. I hit the snooze button a thousand times every morning!
  2. I'm gonna' take a quick snooze.

roll out


I slowly roll out of bed.

We roll out of bed when we get up in the morning.  Notice the following:

  1. I roll out of bed late on Sundays.
  2. When do you usually roll out of bed?

Vocabulary Quiz

get organized • switch on • have a
snoozes • roll out
  1. I feel really disgusting. I am going to quick shower.
  2. It is very hard for me to of bed on rainy days.
  3. We leave early tomorrow morning so you have for the trip.
  4. After you the computer you have to wait a few minutes for it to start up.
  5. After lunch my grandfather usually on the sofa for 20 minutes.
Answer the following questions about the interview.

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Mixer Video #57
What is the first thing you do in the morning?

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