First Impression
Isma / Indonesia
My first impression of best friend was positive. I mean, she was really nice to me, and she helped me a lot with my studies and also adapting in a university. So, she was really nice, and until now, we're still best friends.
Matt / United States
I actually don't have a first impression of my best friend, because I grew up with him and I knew him as long as I can remember, so I actually don't have an impression of him.
Dani / England
Well, I guess, my first impression sounds quite odd. The fact that she had lots and lots of freckles, and I didn't, and also she had quite short hair and my hair was very long at the time.
Kat / Germany
My first impression of my best friend was I don't like her. I am pretty judgmental when I see people for the first time, and when I saw her, I just instantly didn't like her, and it was the same for her. But once we got talking, I realized she's going to be my best friend. That was five years ago, and we're still the best of friends.
Mike / Singapore
First impression of my best friend was that he was a little bit crazy. He's from Iran, and his name is [Firos]. He's very lazy, but I like him because he's easygoing.
Lindsay / United States
The first impression of my best friend was that she was really outgoing and very original. I was really attracted to her from the beginning. I thought, "Wow, she's got quite cool style!" and someone that I admire.

She helped me a lot with my studies and also adapting in a university.
When you adapt, you change your actions to better fit a new situation. Notice the following:
- He is having a hard time adapting to his new job.
- It is always hard to adapt to a new school.
as long as I can remember

I grew up with him and I knew him as long as I can remember.
We use the phrase 'as long as I can remember' to state that you have never known something to be different. Notice the following:
- He has been playing guitar for as long as I can remember.
- For as long as I can remember, that store has been there.

She had lots and lots of freckles.
Freckles are groups of tiny dots on people's skin. They are usually orange or light brown. Notice the following:
- I had lots of freckles as a kid but they are all gone now.
- Most people think freckles are cute.

I am pretty judgmental when I see people for the first time
When you are judgmental, you are critical of other people. Notice the following:
- My mother is very judgmental of my friends.
- He is too judgmental for me. He finds something wrong with everyone.

She was really outgoing and very original.
Something that is original is not like anything else. Notice the following:
- That album is very original.
- The food at the Italian restaurant is very original.
Vocabulary Quiz
judgmental • original