Listening Skill Building

What the Blank #5

Play the audio and choose the best match for the missing word!

What the Blank | Bottom Up Listening

  • Play the audio.
  • Listen for the missing word.
  • Choose the best word for the audio blank.
  • Submit your answers.
  • Check your score.

What the Blank

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What the Blank - Answers

1) so, how much are an expensive pair of jeans in Bangkok?

a) expenses
b) expensive
c) expensively

2) it also depends on where you go

a) who
b) what
c) where

3) this is one of the main activities for tourists

a) active
b) activity
c) activities

4) it's a weekend market, so it's only open on Saturdays and Sundays

a) open
b) opener
c) opening

5) thais go there because all the stores there are reasonable

a) reason
b) reasons
c) reasonable

6) they have stores that you won't find anywhere else

a) anyone
b) anyhow
c) anywhere

7) there's a whole floor that's dedicated to accessories

a) dedicated
b) dedicating
c) dedication

8) you can get it delivered to you

a) deliver
b) delivery
c) delivered

Hear the Real English!

Click the lesson link below to hear real people use these sentences in authentic, natural English.

1520 Bangkok Shopping
1520 Bangkok Shopping
Jerri shares shopping options in Bangkok.

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