
Todd: So, Adrienne, we've been talking about food. It's late afternoon. What are you doing for dinner? What are you going to cook tonight?
Adrienne: I don't think I'll cook tonight.
Todd: No, no cooking?
Adrienne: No, I feel lazy today.
Todd: So you're going to eat out?
Adrienne: Probably.
Todd: Yeah, what's on the agenda? What's for dinner?
Adrienne: I'm not sure yet. There's a couple nice restaurants in my neighborhood so I might go and grab something to eat near here.
Todd: So, are you going to go and actually eat in the restaurant or are you just gonna bring it back?
Adrienne: Maybe I'll go eat at the restaurant. I don't feel like doing dishes either.
Todd: Right, well, but it's disposable, you just throw it away, right?
Adrienne: Not good for the environment , Todd.
Todd: Yeah, I know, but…. Yeah, I don't have any argument for that one.
Adrienne: No conscience.
Todd: Yeah, well, I look it this way, you know. You waste a little bit of paper, but you save water because you don't have to wash dishes.
Adrienne: Interesting. I think the paper is more detrimental though.
Todd: It's definitely not as renewable as water that's for sure.
Adrienne: Maybe. I don't know what environmentalist would argue about that.
Todd: So when you go to a restaurant, what things do you look for in a restaurant that you like?
Adrienne: Well, number one, location. They're nearby. That makes it very handy for me. I like the convenience. Two, they have to be….have an interesting menu, a diverse menu, interesting food. I like that. And, also of course be clean and relatively inexpensive. Those are all important points for me to like a restaurant.
If you're not cooking tonight, then what's on the agenda?
An 'agenda' is a like a plan or outline for what will happen in a specific period of time. Notice the following:
- One good way to keep yourself busy is to make an agenda
at the beginning of each day.
- What is on the agenda for today?
There are nice restaurants in my neighborhood, so I might
go and grab something to eat near here.
Here, 'grab' is an informal way to say 'get' or 'buy.' Notice the following:
- If you are really that tired, we can grab a coffee
- Can we stop by my house? I just need to run in and grab
You have no conscience, because you know it's not good for
the environment.
Your 'conscience' is your sense of right and wrong. This doesn't have to do with rules but with moral ideas. Notice the following:
- Do you think criminals have a conscience?
- He knew it would be a good way to get a promotion at
work, but his conscience told him that it wasn't the right
thing to do.
Your reasoning is interesting, but I think the paper is
more detrimental though.
When something is 'detrimental' it is harmful or damaging, in this case to the environment. Notice the following:
- I think that acting in this way is very detrimental to
your situation.
- Smoking is extremely detrimental to your health.
Well, it's definitely not as renewable as water, that's for
Here, 'renewable' refers to something that can be cleaned and restored to its original condition to be used again. Notice the following:
- Solar power is a good source of renewable energy.
- It is very important that we find a good renewable power
source for our cars.
Vocabulary Quiz
detrimental • renewable